World Tourism Day – By Ramesh Shanmuganathan

World Tourism Day – By Ramesh Shanmuganathan

world Tourism day - eLanka

Source : Ramesh Shanmuganathan LinkedIn

Today, we are celebrate the power of travel and tourism in bringing people together, fostering cultural understanding, promoting diversity & inclusive development and sustainable tourism. Travel allows us to explore new destinations, experience diverse cultures, promote and appreciate diversity and create lifelong memories.

While the global COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the tourism industry, it is now more important than ever to reflect on the value of tourism and its potential for recovery and growth. As we look towards a brighter future, let’s embrace responsible and sustainable tourism practices that benefit both travelers and local communities at large.

I thought it would be relevant to share some pointers on how each of us could contribute to sustainable and responsible tourism:

Respect Local Cultures: When we travel, let’s embrace and respect the customs, traditions, and beliefs of the local communities we visit. Being mindful of cultural sensitivities helps foster positive interactions and promotes cultural preservation.

Protect the Environment: As travelers, we have a responsibility to minimize our impact on the environment. Let’s practice eco-friendly habits like reducing waste, conserving water and energy, supporting local initiatives that focus on sustainability, and exploring nature responsibly.

Support Local Communities & Businesses: Engage with the local economy by supporting small businesses, eating at local restaurants, shopping from artisans, and staying in locally-owned accommodations. This helps to distribute economic benefits across communities and contributes to their long-term development.

Travel Off the Beaten Path: Discover hidden gems and less-explored destinations to minimize overcrowding in popular tourist spots. By exploring lesser-known areas, we can spread the economic benefits of tourism more equitably and reduce the strain on heavily visited sites.

Travel Responsibly: Before visiting any destination, it’s essential to do research and understand local laws, regulations, and customs. Be aware of wildlife conservation efforts, respect natural habitats, and choose tour operators that prioritize ethical practices.

Remember, sustainable tourism is not just about preserving the environment; it also involves respecting and benefiting local communities. By being responsible travelers, we can contribute to a more inclusive, environmentally conscious, culturally rich and a sustainable world.

So, let’s celebrate World Tourism Day by committing to travel responsibly and promoting sustainable practices. Together, we can make a positive impact on the places we visit and create a better future for all through global tourism.

Wish all of you a fantastic World Tourism Day!

Stay safe. Stay blessed

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