Whole Body Vibration –how does it benefit you? – By Dr Harold Gunatillake

Whole Body Vibration – how does it benefit you?

By Dr Harold Gunatillake

There are whole body vibrators (WBV), foot and other area vibrators in the super-markets and sports shops. The foot vibrator is touted for better circulation of the feet and legs, especially for those who suffer from peripheral swelling (oedema) from poor circulation.


Could such rigorous vibrations from a foot machine improve and fast move one’s circulation of the lower extremities? Push and force of the blood circulation in the lower extremities should originate more centrally (Visa tergo effect) and the heart (left ventricle) is most efficient in performing that pumping function. Okay, let’s take for granted that the peripheral arteries are narrowed as in atherosclerosis or thickening of blood vessels with plaque blockage in the vessels. Will vibration of the foot and lower limbs improve the circulation in such a situation- obviously the answer is no. Those plaques in the arteries can get dislodged due to such vigorous vibrations and cause further blockage of those vessels. So the elderly people with poor circulation should be more careful.

Furthermore, it is the sole and the heel of the feet that gets vibrated whilst the blood vessels are more on the upper (dorsal) side of the feet lying freely under the skin (subcutaneously). So really you are vibrating the thick heel and the sole from the vibrating plate- in an area where there is least presence of blood vessels…

Will such WBVs benefit the health of muscles and bones in your lower extremities?

Skeletal muscles need to be attached on either extreme to the bone (skeleton) for them to move, get stretched or contract to perform functions. The body builders through heavy weights swell those muscles for strength and looks. Vibrating muscles through vibrators has no such effects, and possibly burn a few calories. Furthermore, vigorous vibrations of the peripheral circulation may hinder and interfere with the physiological functions

Whole body Vibrations

This is scary. You make the whole body vibrate for about 5 minutes as recommended can cause much physiological impediment to the organs, muscles, bones, and all other metabolic systems of your body. Vibrations may cause total temporary dysfunction of the body tissues including organs to a state of shock.

Take your heart for instance. It is the most peaceful pumping machine God has given for the smooth regular intake of bad blood and after purification (oxygenation) in the lungs the left ventricle pumps the blood to the peripheral and central areas of the body supplying oxygen and other nutrients. Vibration of the heart will interfere with the physiological rhythmic movements of the heart muscles. The vertebrate heart is myogenic meaning the rhythmic contractions are an intrinsic property of the cardiac muscle cells themselves. External mechanical vigorous vibrations will interfere with these rhythmic intrinsic motions. This may interfere with your blood pressure. Those who are on blood pressure medication should check your BP and pulse after vibration therapy.

Vibration Healing

This is a phrase coined more as a commercial attraction than medical. They call it different types of vibration healing, for arthritis, cerebral palsy, fibromyalgia, metabolic syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, chronic pain, sports injuries, tinnitus (ringing noise in your ears) and many others.

Vibrations supposed to fight osteoporosis. Osteoporosis cannot be cured through mechanic vibrators but through metabolic methods and regular exercise. These machines are supposed to bring down the blood sugar level among diabetics. Skeletal muscles do absorb blood glucose through normal exercise movements such as lifting weights and stretchers and bring down blood sugar levels.

Can whole body vibration stave off obesity?

A study published in the journal Endocrinology, compares the benefits of whole-body vibrations with regular exercise. This innovative intervention combined with exercise will benefit to solve the obesity problem, the journal says.

The article also states that the European Space Agency is investigating it as a potential way to maintain muscle mass on long flights.
Foot vibrators on flights

Those people who suffer from deep vein thrombosis (DVT) should be supplied with miniature foot vibrators to avoid such eventualities. Again, regular ankle rotation movements demonstrated on flight may be sufficient if the commuters remember to do them at regular intervals. A deep sleep after a Scotch may forget to do such movements on flights.

Natural vibrations of the legs

People living in Jaffna (Sri Lanka) shake their legs repetitively in sitting position. Some shake in a vertical rhythmic action and others do a side to side rhythmic spontaneous movement. These movements do burn calories (Jaffna man is slim) and keep the mosquitoes away from biting.

Mechanical electric vibrators have a place in every home in Sri Lanka, especially where Dengue fever is endemic. Sitting down in ones verandah with a foot vibrator will keep the mossies away, much better repellent than the ‘Siddha Lepaya balm” which is normally used as a topical application for fibromyalgia.

The author would love to hear from readers who use these vibrators regularly and has had positive effects, especially weight reduction.
Most young energetic exercise fanatics do buy them and after the novelty is over they rest the device under their beds and think of purchasing another device…

Good advice from Dr harold

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