Where they are now…. Work and Art in Fusion-by Anush Jayasekera

Where they are now…. Work and Art in Fusion-by Anush Jayasekera

Some creations by Anush

Source:Brisbane 4EB Sri Lankan Newsletter – Dæhæna – August 2021

Since leaving Sinhala school I have completed my formal education at university and have graduated from QUT with a master’s degree in Architecture with a Second Class Honours. From a very early age I had the ambition to become an architect after seeing the work of Sri Lankan architect, Geoffrey Bawa. I am extremely proud to have achieved this.

Currently I am working in an architectural firm where I am designing new homes and renovations around Brisbane. The types of houses I
typically work with range from traditional pre-war heritage homes, townhouses and modern. Working in this firm has kept me in touch with my artistic interests by allowing me to stay creative by developing designs which express my art. It’s a surreal feeling being able to see something that’s been drawn on paper being put into construction and the final product. It’s like seeing your art come to life.

Outside of work I mostly spend time with my wife, 2 dogs, family and friends. My passion for art has remained a major part of my life
through my career as an architect and also through a side business I started a few years ago called A.Jay Art. Here I create custom pieces
and sell them to people around Australia and some parts of the world which include: Sri Lanka, New Zealand, France and the US. It’s quite surreal to know that my art has been able to travel around the world to places outside my own bedroom. I will always be extremely grateful for those who have supported me through my artistic journey. In the future, I hope to utilise my passion for art and design to create a piece of architecture that would pay homage to my Sri Lankan culture and would sit proud somewhere in the world and is recognised
by many.

Anush Jayasekera

An Architect by profession, Anush is an artist with his unique style of sketching. His creations have been purchased by many around the world.


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