Whence we came and Whither we go!? – By Oscar E V Fernando



Whence we came and Whither we go!? – By Oscar E V Fernando

Oscar Fernando

A Still Void it was, and Lo! What darkness before He summoned Light,
When the Ocean, Firmament and a Vault of Blue above-shone Bright.
The Eternal Breath breathed into to the slime–Yes! Be it dust or beast!
There we were in the Breath of Spirit-no beginning no end no retreat.
Somewhere between The Soul and ours-a quirk of pride occurred.
The soul fell from Grandeur and thereafter in sweat we labored-
To earn back that Grandeur, He sent His Son to expiate and suffer.
From thence it was-we see glimpses but await the Final Grandeur 
In that Soul Divine was an atomic strand with no matter and form-
Floating in Blissful Grandeur, till its consummation in womb with genes so formed.
T’is whence we came-now we search Whiter we go in spirit therein.
Searching from womb to tomb that Grandeur we earlier dwelt in
To this spirit He breathed a sense of Right and Wrong.
Left it with Free Will for that discerned Right or Wrong.
If right we do, the departing strand will see Heavens Bliss in Grandeur
If wrong, we do He shows His Grandeur and says-depart to everlasting Non Grandeur
Whence we came we thus Know-Whither we go too we know and we must endeavor-
To live according to His Will-only then behold we see this Grandeur forever.
If wrong, we do the oppose happens and we see non-Grandeur forever-we and only we are to blame!
Mea Culpa Mea Culpa Mea Maxima Culpa-the parting strand thus accepts flame.
Brother Sister why be lost? -know the truth of whence and whither.
And also we know what we are, within and without-this accept with no whimper.
Resort to whence ye came-that Ageless Wisdom-when in distress.
No drugs-no vengeance no killings-go within and meet the Light that Destroyed Darkness.
Oscar E V Fernando

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