“TWO-GUN TRUMP” by Des Kelly

“TWO-GUN TRUMP” by Des Kelly

 The “saying” has been “said” so many times now, I feel that I am repeating myself when I say it again, for all my eLanka readers, out there, for all Sri Lankans  “living” all around this Planet, at the moment. Thank your lucky stars and let us all say it, ONE MORE TIME.!. “Enough is Enough”

     My view on this 2nd Amendment, as they call it, in America, has been etched in stone, never to be erased, no matter what.!  Their “Gun-Lobby”, has been growing stronger with every passing day. Most people in the U.S.A. feel “safer” with this weapon “stored” & locked away, for self-protection. This is clearly understandable. If I was an American Citizen, I would feel the same way. As I see it, if I had to protect my wife and/or family, & if someone, anyone, tried to break into my home, with the clear  intention of hurting them, I would much rather shoot them, than have them, shoot me. “Shoot first, ask & answer questions later”, would be my solution to the problem. 

     The Gun Lobby in America is there, specifically for this purpose. Firstly, “self-protection”, secondly, “hunting”, thirdly, “sport”. NOBODY in this LOBBY wishes to see innocent people & children (especially), killed by some nut-case, who, for reasons in his own sick mind, decides to grab a gun & go out on a shooting spree, bringing tragedy into the lives of not only their victims, but dozens of relatives as well.

This major problem exists, not only in America, but in Australia today, as well.. Talking about “sick minds”, while medically, both Countries are “going-forward” in leaps & bounds, finding cures for cancer, etc.,researching countless other maladies, all, very good & praiseworthy, but, MENTAL-ILLNESSES seem to be forgotten. While there IS the odd hospital in our Cities, catering for the mentally insane, most of them have been closed down due to financial reasons.   because of the fact, more lunatics seem to be out on the Streets (or in their vehicles), causing unnecessary trouble. This has to be stopped. Police, wherever, should be in a position to get hold of these people, forcibly, & take them to the nearest mental facility available, to be checked out. One would have to be ” blind Freddy not to notice when someone, male or female, is walking around with “glazed-eyes”, even while the card-board sign around their neck’s, saying LUNATIC is missing. Come on, Politicians everywhere. This is very IMPORTANT.

We need MANY MORE Police  “on the beat” right now.

Billions of dollars are being spent, worth absolutely nothing when School Children are being shot, as recently as last week, in the tragic Florida episode.

      Now, children are protesting en-masse, which is a very good thing. Letters to Politicians on what concerns the people THEY are supposed to be “serving” are as useless as  “teats on a bull”. Responses will be forthcoming only if an “election” is at hand. Otherwise, don’t hold your breath.

Like the multitude of School-kids coming out and protesting

after this recent heart-breaking event in Florida, it seems that, in the not too distant future, ONLY these massive “public-protestations” will be of any use, whatsoever, to get ANY sort of action from “Pollies” everywhere.

Getting back to the story at hand. Let me start by sending sincere condolences to all family & friends of EVERYONE, including these young children, murdered unnecessarily and brutally. As a father, myself, I can well imagine how all these people will be feeling right now. This comes on behalf of eLanka & quite certainly, from every single Sri Lankan around. “Time will heal the hurt, but memories do linger on”

Let me tell my readers that in fact, & this is my opinion.

  1. The Gun Lobby in America WILL GO ON. No President will be able to totally ban it. However, as I wrote, many moons ago, this Gun Lobby must be a very  strictly controlled one.
  2. They are concentrating on Schools. Teachers must be armed to protect pupils~o.k., but then, young folk do not 

Gather ONLY in school. Child -killers will then find places other than schools, at which to carry out their shootings.

  1. The Gun Lobby in the U.S.A. think they are being  hard,done by.

Not so, folks. Nobody wants to stop YOU doing the things you wish to do, legally. BUT your Lobby MUST be Lobbied, 

Unauthorised persons NOT SOLD any weapon except under close scrutiny, ammunition curtailed to a bare minimum.

Automatic & Semi-automatic weapons NOT SOLD to anybody & everybody, at random. Special permission (in writing). must be provided, before these rifles or shotguns leave the gun-shop. Gun-shop owners MUST have special orders. Zero-tolerance. Sell an unauthorised weapon to an unauthorised person, no matter how well-known, get caught and face immediate shut-down of the business. All the guns in the World are not worth a single  hair on the head of a dead child. 

     President “2-gun Trump” is at least, making an effort to control the Gun Lobby. He is TRYING, where other Presidents have failed to make even a single “notch” on their gun-butts. If you succeed Sir, millions of people will applaud your effort, me, the loudest & longest. Doubtless, there will be other such shootings, but, as I will always say, 

then,              “AMENDMENT 2 HAS BEEN AMENDED,

                        ON DONALD TRUMP, WE HAVE DEPENDED”






Desmond Kelly

Star of eLanka



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