“TRIBUTE TO JUDY” – By Des Kelly

“TRIBUTE TO JUDY” – By Des Kelly

First, of course, there was Judy Garland, actress, singer, entertainer extraordinaire, whom anyone even minutely interested in “showbiz” & “screen”, will remember. It does seem to be ages ago, but even the movies of days gone by had a variety, all of it’s very own, involving music & drama, “classy” actors & actresses & unforgettable “memories”.

Before I get carried away, Judy Garland’s “story” is not what I write about today, this will come later. My eLanka readers will realize that I try my very best to bring them as much “interesting stuff”, as I possibly can. My “choice” of music might not interest everyone, but,the music, art & drama presented by eLanka to over 20.000 regular members, are appreciated, if only because my “stories” are a little bit different, my “music-clips” are “chosen ones” from thousands now freely available to internet viewers, eLanka breaks no copyright rules, gains no financial rewards, whatsoever, only favours “clips” shown, with publicity that is provided gratis.

I have recorded the song “Judy” on my “Ultimate DVD”, which is being sold to the public, but every red cent gained has been forwarded to the “Kudaa-Kusum” (little flowers), orphanage in the tiny Suburb of Tangalle, in Sri Lanka.

My “rendition” of the song is not too bad, but this was only a tribute to the “King of rock n roll” Elvis Presley, who, in turn, recorded it in tribute to Judy Tyler, a beautiful young lady, “taken away” far too soon, but I will let the “clip” tell the sad story, followed by the “song”, done by the “King”, one of the best Elvis “clips” my readers will ever see. The fact that Elvis Presley also died far to early in his stunning career & also the fact that my eldest son, Michael wept when he heard the news, lets me say “this one is especially for you, son.

Desmond Kelly
Star of eLanka

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