Travis Sinniah Honoured by National Defense University

Travis Sinniah Honoured  by National Defense University

Source : Brisbane Sri Lankan Newsletter – Dæhæna – September 2022

On August 9, the National Defense University in Washington DC welcomed three new CISA alumni to the International Fellows Hall of Fame in a ceremony held in Sydney, Australia during NDU’s 16th Alumni Continuing Education Security Seminar, the statement issued by College of International Security Affairs of National Defense University (NDU).

 National Defense UniversityDuring the event, Admiral (Ret) Travis Sinniah has been recognized for his service as Commander of the Sri Lankan Navy. He is the first Sri Lankan to be inducted.

Admiral Travis Sinniah, WWV, RWP, RSP, USP, ndu, psc was a Sri Lankan admiral and the 21st Commander of
the Sri Lanka Navy. He has served as the Commander of Sri Lanka’s Eastern Naval Area and as Flag Officer Commanding the Naval Fleet. He was the second Tamil to be appointed the commander of the Sri Lankan Navy after Rajan Kadiragamar in the 1960s.

Admiral Sinniah was the senior-most naval officer to be in active combat operations at sea during the war. He was awarded the highest combat medal (granted to a living officer) for exceptional valour and gallantry, the Weera Wickrama Vibhushanaya (WWV), and recommended for field promotion to the rank of Rear Admiral on account of his exceptional contribution to the war effort.

Daehaena congratulates Admiral (Rtd) Sinniah on his very significant achievement.


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