Tharindi Fernando from a bank employee status has risen to fame as an illustrious actress, dancer, model within a short period of six years to be at the apex of fame – by Sunil Thenabadu

Tharindi Fernando from a bank employee status has risen to fame as an illustrious actress, dancer, model within a short period of six years to be at the apex of fame – by Sunil Thenabadu

Sunil-ThenabaduTharindi Fernando one of the sought actresses, model in Sri Lanka is an accomplished dancer having learnt dancing after leaving school at the Dance Training Academy of Gyan Srimal when Charith Abeysinghe having observed her talent had given her an opportunity to portray a minor role in a film.From then onwards she had proved her innate prowess as an actress having portrayed many unforgettable roles in films and mostly in tele drama serials.She displayed her dancing expertise combining to unparalleled boosts with Hasintha was placed among the final five in Hiru Mega star season 3  gruelling contest where she performed to delight audiences obtaining  amazing comments by the panel of  adjudicators Channa Wijewardena, Dilhani Ekanayake and Ravindra Randeniya.Dilhani commented that it was one of the best ‘live ‘ dancing acts she had ever witnessed.

Tharindi was born on 28th October 1987 in Kochchikade,Negombo has had her education in three schools, viz.,initially ‘Balasena’ Vidyalaya, then at Daluwakotuwa Maha Vidyalaya and up to Advanced level at Dankotuwa Balika Vidyalaya where she had excelled in the mathematics stream. Although she was oozing with talent in extracurricular activities and sports her focus had been predominantly  on academic  studies. Her family consisted of an elder sister apart from father and mother who were involved in self-employment for  living. Tharindi with her expertise and qualifications in finance subjects had joined a reputed finance company later had been employed in two banks spanning a period of around five years. During her tenure she had in addition to been very hard working had also taken part in other extracurricular activities in the finance company and the banks. With the demise of her mother in year 2016 she had opted abruptly to quit banking to contemplate on a career in acting which she adored as her elder sister too was already established in the same field. Though she is enthusiastically involved in tele drama and films with her business mind hopes to commence her own commercial business perhaps after further studying the  aspects of businesses. In that event the time for acting would be a bit curtailed but she has no intention of giving up acting as acting is in her blood. She had quipped that her body shape is such that it is flexible as such she could twist and turn to portray any role she is entrusted to depict. This quality in her had enabled her to acknowledge any role delegated which is well known to all directors.

Tharindi is at the peak of her illustrious career currently portraying the lead role in the film ‘Game” of Suranga de Alwis, opposite ‘super star’ popular actor Ranjan Ramanayake, had very recently attended to a ceremony at the NIT cinema in Kurunegala along with the rest of the cast, to celebrate ‘one hundred days’ uninterrupted showing of the film. She also been actively involved in the promotional activities of the film ‘Game’. It is reported that after her portrayal in ‘Game’ she had received several invitations from producers and directors of films.She had affirmed that these days she is reading to scripts before giving the directors a  word. Currently three of her teledramas are telecast in three television channels which has made her popularity to remain at unprecedented at  high elevations. In the Hiru TV production of “Rella Weralata Adare” where she portrays the role “Welle Kella” , Catherina is loved by all vivid audiences. On the ITN channel  too the tele drama  “Pitcha Mal Suwanda” is telecast .She had portrayed roles in many other tele dramas such as ‘Mahaplowa’ of Sumith Ratnayake, Inter Nasonal’, recently and Nethra, Dankotuwe Bandara, Sulanga Mahameraka,Daham etc previously. Within a  relatively short period of time she entered the acting profession she has climbed to stardom.  Tharindi had been very fortunate to get diverse roles to portray as every other role portrayed had been distinctly diverse which she idolizes.

Tharindi Fernando

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After she entered the field of acting sans any hereditary affiliations perhaps with innate talent during this short period before the ‘Game’ film she had portrayed diverse roles in films like Bahubhuthayo, Gindari 2 .President Super Star etc., where she portrayed all diverse roles which she always prefers not sticking to a particular role.She had affirmed that she has no intention of winning awards need only to be nominated and known as an actress of repute to be able to portray any given role to the best of her ability and to precision in her own inimitable style.

All her aware about the long-standing love affair Tharindi has had with popular actor Isuru Lokuhettiarachchi.It was mentioned that the wedding had got delayed and postponed owing to the covid-19 pandemic several times. Strangely Isuru appear to be not interested had uttered at one place that he never said he would marry Tharindi. What a false propaganda made to the media.In a television dialog Tharindi had confirmed that she would remain single to be unmarried. She had quipped that love and attachments do run concurrently which is vital for all human beings.To Tharindi there is no one she trusts beyond her parents.In marriage what is desirable is trust and understanding, she does not like to be a prisoner in marriage need both parties to be respecting each other allowing to adhere to the individual interests. 

In this scenario all would wish Tharindu more success in all her future endeavours as she has already laid a solid groundwork for a highly successful career as an illustrious actress within a very short time of just six years.  She has been labelled as an actress who prefers vivid roles to portray as hitherto happened . To become an acclaimed actress, she possess many personality characteristics needed like charisma the most surface qualities expected. Obviously the next trait is passion, hard work and commitment, intelligence able to be articulate and well spoken, should be highly imaginative the biggest and important traits that make a great actress. Similar to a tree which had grown profusely Tharindi too has had an innate proper foundation to be in this elated position.


Sunil Thenabadu

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