“THE SRI LANKAN WOUNDED” – By Des Kelly      It was heartbreaking enough to hear of all these people, (253 of them, now definitely identified), killed, on Easter Sunday, last, most of them, Sri Lankan, of course, but some, like the wife, daughter &;young son of an English visitor, who died at the Shangrila hotel, absolutely heart-rending to hear about the little children, boys & girls, who had died, minutes after receiving Holy Communion at the Zion Church, in Batticoloa, totally emotional to see actual photographs of these little martyrs, in their coffins, when they should have been outside, in the gardens of the Church, playing and enjoying the sunshine. ALL THIS, NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED.        Ever since this horrible, mind-numbing tragedy, I have been inundated with dozens of different aspects to this very sad story. Innuendos, excuses, retaliatory measures, expressed, most of them very angry ones, ...

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