Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development – By Pramod de Silva Source : sundayobserver The United Nations (UN) and countries around the world will mark the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) on May 17. The theme for this year is “Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development”. Building a sustainable future demands innovative thinking and action, especially in the digital realm. WTISD 2024 is a chance to explore how digital innovation can help connect everyone and unlock sustainable prosperity for all. This is especially applicable to the Global South, where glaring inequalities persist in terms of access to and availability of digital services. WTISD 2024 reminds the world of the progress yet to be made to ensure that everyone can benefit from digital technologies. According to the UN, innovative digital technology can help tackle the world’s most pressing challenges, from fighting Climate Change to eliminating hunger and poverty. In fact, experts estimate ...

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