THE WORLD WEEPS” (While Pariahs Prosper) – by Des Kelly Armistice day, 2018. One hundred years since the guns of the first World War (supposedly the war to end all Wars) were silenced, hopefully to fulfil the supposition above, but what happens ?, A little pariah Corporal, failed artist, charisma of a gnat, moustache & all, BUT, with the gift of the gab, suddenly takes over, forms a “Party” under a geometrical sign, named the “Swastika”, seduces a Nation that was going through difficult times, with shouted promises from atop his soapbox, gets promoted to the top of his class, gains the trust of his people, gathers a bunch of like-minded pariahs, and, instead of being satisfied with everything they now have gained, decide to put a finish to the entire Nation which previously boasted Jesus Christ, among others, and having almost accomplished this nefarious act, then becomes the brother ...

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