Sri Lanka to host the 2023 WTA World Gala Ceremony in Dec Source:Dailynews World Travel Awards (WTA) has announced its landmark 30th anniversary and WTA World Gala Ceremony 2023 to be staged in one of the world’s most exciting emerging tourism destination, Sri Lanka, and the leading travel industry figureheads from across all the continents will be invited to this must-attend VIP event on 15th December 15, 2023 in Colombo. This is the first time in history such an event to be held in the entire South Asian region’ said State Minister of Tourism, Diana Gamage. “The World Travel Awards brand is today acknowledged globally as the ultimate hallmark of industry excellence, and we have been working tirelessly over the past three months to secure its landmark 30th anniversary and WTA World Gala Ceremony 2023 to be staged in Sri Lanka.” ...

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