Sri Lanka’s suicide on the rise after worst currency crisis-by MELKISHIYA ANDREW Source:Economynext ECONOMYNEXT – The suicide rate in Sri Lanka is significantly higher compared to years prior to the currency crisis, which has resulted in unemployment and redundancies, psychiatrists have claimed. “There is no data received for the years 2022 and 2023. For 2023 only four months have gone by this year, but we are receiving statistics that the number has increased and is much higher within the last four months,” Consultant Psychiatrist from the National Hospital of Sri Lanka  Dr. Chathurie Suraweera said addressing the press briefing. Yearly, Sri Lanka reports around 3,000 cases of suicide with about eight to nine cases reported every day, Suraweera said. Reasons for the apparent increase in the number of suicides is related to the economic plight felt by the people resulting from increased cost of living, unemployment and instability. “In the ...

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The Hardware & Software Of Reconciliation-By Jehan Perera Jehan Perera Source:Colombotelegraph President Ranil Wickremesinghe addressing a conference of over 300 members from inter-religious committees from across the country summed up his plan for national reconciliation in less than 20 minutes. The president was clear in his articulation. He spoke with no notes. There were no superfluities in his speech. He noted how racism and bigotry have become convenient tools for politicians to wield power and for religious leaders to maintain their authority. He pointed to lessons learned from prolonged use of these divisive tactics, which ultimately led the country into a devastating conflict. He took two questions from the audience and before the organisers of the conference could even thank him on stage he left the podium for his next meeting. In his speech, the president stated that the country was close to reconciliation. Then proceeded to set out what needed to be done. There ...

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Can papaya be used as a substitute for chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or other new research therapies in the treatment of cancer? – By Dr. Harold Gunatillake Compiled by Dr. Harold Gunatillake-OAM, FRCS, FICS, FIACS, AM(Sing), MBBS(Cey) An Email is floating around- In the future, the new treatment method for malignant tumours will no longer be chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery, but changing one’s diet to improve the new blood vessels! Great medical knowledge! A high-quality diet is the natural chemotherapy three times a day. The following information should be taken seriously: it is simple, easy to implement, and very good! You may need to know that papaya, which is usually easy to obtain, is the king of fruits! The tomato that the doctor praised was nothing compared to papaya. Papaya has been selected by the WHO (World Health Organization) as the fruit with the highest nutritional value for two consecutive years; that ...

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Sri Lankan Health Authorities on alert about Nipah Virus Nipah outbreak in Kerala, India Source : dailynews Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Health has placed orders to import testing kits to detect Nipah infections after the southern Indian state of Kerala reported an outbreak of the bat-borne virus. Following the outbreak in Kerala, the Indian government has moved to institute mass testing to arrest the spread of the Nipah virus. The southern Indian state has thus far reported two deaths from the virus infections with more than 700 people testing positive. Nipah is a rare but potentially serious virus that can cause fever, vomiting and respiratory infections in humans. Symptoms appear from 4 – 14 days after exposure. Fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family are the natural hosts of Nipah virus. Most often, severe cases involve seizures and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) and can progress to a coma within 24-48 hours, ...

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Avoid these foods to maintain a healthy heart-By Dr Harold Gunatillake   Transcript: Keep your ticker healthy and strong Your heart is a finely tuned machine. To keep it ticking in top form you need to give it heart healthy fuel by choosing healthy diet. There are bad foods you should limit and consume sparingly- for diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, among others. Today, we are discussing foods that you should consume sparingly to keep your ticker healthily and wellbeing. A healthy diet and lifestyle are your best weapons to fight cardiovascular disease. Out of the three major macro nutrients, Carbs, sugars, fats, and proteins-they all could give heart problems, including salt, among others. They can influence blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol levels and inflammation, all of which are risk factors for heart disease. Proteins being building blocks were thought and considered innocent on the heart, but latest findings at the ...

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EU, WHO provides medical equipment to 78 hospitals in Sri Lanka-by Lahiru Fernando Source:Dailynews World Health Organization (WHO) in partnership with the European Union (EU) has provided critical emergency medical equipment to 78 hospitals in Sri Lanka for the COVID-19 response. These include high dependency unit (HDU) beds, finger pulse oximeters, oxygen concentrators, oxygen jumbo cylinders, and other urgent supplies. According to a press release issued by the EU, the supplies are part of a EUR 2 million grant provided to WHO by the EU to strengthen emergency response capacities in Sri Lanka. The funding has been made available on flexible terms to allow for responsiveness to country needs as demonstrated by this EUR 480,000 procurement of urgently needed supplies for COVID-19 case management. ...

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Stop playing blame game, heed expert advice Source:Island Wednesday 12th May, 2021 There is a lot of brouhaha over the government’s claim that it influenced the World Health Organization (WHO) decision to approve the emergency use of China’s Sinopharm vaccine; the WHO is reported to have denied this claim. Government propagandists cannot resist the temptation to perform foot-in-the-mouth stunts that embarrass their masters beyond measure. However, the real issue is not how the WHO approval was granted for Sinopharm, or any other vaccine for that matter. The issues that warrant public attention are whether enough vaccine stocks will be available; how effective the jabs will be against the new variants of coronavirus, and how to face the socio-economic issues caused by the pandemic. Thankfully, some vaccine stocks are arriving here while the pandemic transmission and death toll are increasing steadily although there is a shortage of AstraZeneca vaccine for booster ...

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