eLanka Newsletter – 4th October 2023 – 2nd Edition Sri Lankans in Australia Click here or on the image below to read this week’s elanka Newsletter Sri Lanka women claim Silver in Asian Games Cricket – BY TREVINE RODRIGO IN MELBOURNE – (eLanka Sports editor) Highlights from The Old Joes Golf Day – Awards & Lunch in Sydney – Sunday 1st October 2023 (Photos thanks to Brad Stevens ) UNIQUE SRI LANKA LIBRARY අකුණු සරින් ශාප ලද – දේශයේ ඇතුන් දහස් ගණන් නැසූ බ්‍රිතාන්‍ය පාලකයෝ – By ආචාර්ය ගාමිණී කාරියවසම් The Dutch Fort in Gurunagar, Jaffna – By Michael Roberts Dust Divine (The C-Theory) – By Lakshman Navaratne The Cheiftains Of Sri Lanka Bradman at Brockton Oval in Vancouver in 1932 during Australian North American Tour-by Michael Roberts The Long weekend – By Dr harold Gunatillake The Burgher Association Australia Annual General Meeting 2023 Bill Nighy reads Sri Lankan Journalist ...

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Vision Care educates Sri Lankans on eye health to mark World Children’s Day and World Elder’s Day 02nd October 2023, Colombo: Vision Care, Sri Lanka’s largest vision and eyewear solutions provider, is raising awareness about the importance of regular eye checkups for all ages to mark World Elder’s Day and Children’s Day both of which fall on 1st October. In today’s technology-driven world, where online learning and screen time among children have significantly increased when pursuing their studies and during leisure time, Vision Care wants to highlight the importance of protecting children’s eyes. Children have their entire life ahead of them, and therefore safeguarding their eyes and proper vision correction, if necessary, is crucial for their future. Regular eye checkups from a young age will ensure healthy eyes and optimal vision throughout their lives. The increased screen time has led to a condition known as Digital Eye Strain or Computer ...

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Sri Lanka celebrates World Children’s Day in Austria Source:Dailynews The Embassy together with the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau celebrated World Children’s Day with the participation of large number children of Austria and Sri Lanka at Steinhofgrunde, Vienna on 1 October 2020. The celebrations paved the way for children to actively participate in painting kites in a colourful and artistic manner, illustrating and depicting the scenic beauty of Sri Lanka. The Steinhofgrunde park in Vienna is a famous venue for outdoor children activities and it hosted a large number of local Austrian nationals at the event. ...

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