From Ceylon to Victory: The Role of Sri Lanka in WWII – By Nadeeka – eLanka Sri Lanka, then known as Ceylon, played a significant role during World War II. This island, strategically located in the Indian Ocean, became a crucial point for the Allied forces. The war impacted every aspect of life in Ceylon, from its economy to its social structure. This article delves into the detailed account of Ceylon’s involvement in WWII, showcasing its strategic importance, military engagements, and the lasting impact on its path to independence. Strategic Importance of Ceylon Ceylon’s geographic location made it a valuable asset in the Indian Ocean during WWII. Its proximity to the sea routes that connected the West to the East meant it was a pivotal point for controlling maritime traffic. The island’s ports, especially Colombo and Trincomalee, were crucial for the Allies. The Ports of Colombo and Trincomalee Colombo: As ...

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