Sri Lanka 10-year old’s parakeet shot flies high in UK Wildlife Photographer Awards Gagana Mendis Wickramasinghe, Wildlife Photographer of the Year Source:Economynext ECONOMYNEXT – A photograph of a parakeet feeding three chicks peeking out of a nest holeshot by a 10-year old in Sri Lanka during the Covid-19 lockdown has been highly commended in the UK Wildlife Photographer Awards 2021. UK’s Natural History Museum had conducted the competition for 57 years. Gagana Mendis Wickramasinghe had been watching the rose-ringed parakeet family in their nest in a dead areca nut tree in the garden. In 2020, during the long days of an island-wide lockdown, Gagana and his brother had been watching the parakeet couple. The male had brought food for his mate to eat while she incubated the eggs, and later feeding the chicks. ...

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