Whole Body Vibration – how does it benefit you? By Dr Harold Gunatillake There are whole body vibrators (WBV), foot and other area vibrators in the super-markets and sports shops. The foot vibrator is touted for better circulation of the feet and legs, especially for those who suffer from peripheral swelling (oedema) from poor circulation.   Could such rigorous vibrations from a foot machine improve and fast move one’s circulation of the lower extremities? Push and force of the blood circulation in the lower extremities should originate more centrally (Visa tergo effect) and the heart (left ventricle) is most efficient in performing that pumping function. Okay, let’s take for granted that the peripheral arteries are narrowed as in atherosclerosis or thickening of blood vessels with plaque blockage in the vessels. Will vibration of the foot and lower limbs improve the circulation in such a situation- obviously the answer is no. ...

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