“Govinda Hela” – royal fortress of yesteryear – By Arundathie Abeysinghe Home to a diverse range of endemic flora and fauna and located in Siyambalanduwa, on the border of the Ampara District in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka, in a thick forest surrounded by rivers and tanks, “Govinda Hela” (known as “Westminster Abbey” by British Colonials during the British Colonial Era due to its resemblance to the landmark in London) had been an inaccessible fortress of King Bhuwanekabahu who reigned in the 6th century. Thereafter, the location had been abandoned. It was rediscovered by British Colonials during the British Colonial Era and renamed as “Westminster Abbey.” Scattered on the summit of Govinda Hela are ruins of a royal palace and a monastery, yet the main attraction of the location is the “Hulan Kapolla” (a space between two rocks, through which strong wind blows). The highest point of the trek ...

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Orders of Service for the State Funeral Service and the Committal Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II The Order of Service for the State Funeral Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey, The Order of Service for the Committal of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor. Download the PDF file . ...

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Director of Music at St John’s appointed as Organist and Master of Choristers at – Westminster Abbey Source : joh.cam. Andrew Nethsingha will lead the musical life of Westminster Abbey after he was named as the next Organist and Master of Choristers at one of the United Kingdom’s most notable religious buildings. Andrew, who has been Director of Music at St John’s College since 2007, will succeed James O’Donnell, who has been appointed as Professor in the Yale School of Music and Yale Institute of Sacred Music. James will leave the Abbey this Christmas, and Andrew will replace him in the New Year. As the Abbey’s Director of Music, the Organist and Master of the Choristers is the head of the Abbey music department and oversees all musical aspects of the Abbey’s work, including directing the celebrated Choir of Westminster Abbey. Westminster Abbey is one of the United Kingdom’s most famous religious ...

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