ST PETERS FIFE AND DRUM BAND – The creation of the Fife & Drum band at St. Peter’s College was the brainchild of Rev. Fr. Arthur Nicholas Fernando – Rector By: Upali Obeyesekere – Editor, JPNN Here are the names of the band members, not 100% but almost there. Specially the names of the Top row & Middle Row need refining. From Left (Seated): Eden Pompeus, Heracles Jayasekera (Master in charge of Cadets), Rev. Fr. Arthur Nicholas Fernando – Rector, Bugle Maj. Dodwell de Silva (Band leader), Malcolm Crusz; (Middle Row): Desmond Moraes, Hatim Dawoodbhoy, Humphrey Rodrigo, Ariff, De Kretser; (Top Row): Venket Narayan, Fritz Ohlums, Markewich, Mottau, Rex Hart, Fredrick Avery (aka Miler) Who can help name the 1956 members of the island’s first Fife & Drum band? The Fife & Drum Band of St. Peter’s College Colombo was the first of its kind in Schools in the island. We ...

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