WEEDY BY NAME ONLY, NOT WEEDY BY NATURE – By Nimal R. Chandrasena “The Virtuous Weed” – A new book from a Sri Lankan Weed Scientist “A weed is no more than a flower in disguise, which is seen through at once if love gives a man eyes” – James Lowell Dr. Nimal Rohan Chandrasena, a former Associate Professor of Botany, at the University of Colombo, has just published his first book on weeds. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal WEEDS – the official journal of the Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society (http://apwss.org.in/). Weeds, as a group of plants, are unloved by some people. However, this dislike is not universal. Weeds are colonizing, pioneering plants, with special botanical and ecological attributes that allow them to succeed in disturbed habitats. They are a critical component of Mother Earth’s rich biodiversity. As frugal, thrifty and simple beings, which never ask for too ...

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