Kohomba Kankariya – The sociology of a Kandyan ritual-BY SARATH AMUNUGAMA Source:Sundayobserver A review Dr. Sarath Amunugama’s latest publication titled Kohomba Kankariya – the sociology of a Kandyan ritual, is a welcome addition to the limited number of research publications available to the local reader on this religious ritual which has been quite familiar to generations of people of the Kandyan region. The author who had earlier published a brief essay (Kohomba Kankariya haa Sinhala Santhikarma ratawa) in April 1968 on the subject in a Sinhala periodical devoted to arts, at the time when he was a busy bureaucrat; has now in retirement authored this new publication with interesting details and interpretations regarding this fascinating ritual. Kohomba Kankariya which is the most elaborate of the Kandyan rituals, according to legend, had been performed to cure King Panduwas who had been afflicted with a mysterious ailment.   God-King Sakra to whom ...

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