Most Venerable Ajahn Brahmavamso turns 70-by Nan Source:Island I write this Poya Sunday on an outstanding personality in Buddhist robes – Most Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso. There have been celebrations on his birthday, mostly in Australia. I need not justify my choice of subject but feel compelled to do so since at least half my readers are non-Buddhist. The Sangha The Theravada Sangha has come down direct from the lineage started by the Buddha two months after attaining Buddhahood. The first ordained was Kondanna – one of the five ascetics Siddhartha Gautama meditated with, until he left them; eased torturing and starving; and realized the truth of samsaric existence. He journeyed to Benaris from Gaya and ‘set the wheel of Buddhism turning’ with his first sermon to the five ascetics when Kondanna attained arahantship. Thus Ajahn Brahmavamso is of that lineage observing 227 vinaya rules and also preaching the Dhamma. Arahants ...

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