Lore of Girihanduseya in Thiriyaya-by M.A.R.Manukulasooriya Source:Sundayobserver Girihanduseya is an ancient Buddhist temple in Thiriyaya, Trincomalee, supposed to have been constructed by two seafaring merchants Thapassu and Bhalluka. The names of the two merchants are recorded on a rock inscription in the temple premises. The names of the two merchants Thapassu and Bhalluka have also been stated in later Sinhala chronicles giving credit to them for constructing Girihanduseya. The stupa in the temple is especially venerated by people as it is believed that hair relics of the Buddha are enshrined in it. The temple is on a hillock near the sea coast, 47 kms to the North of Trincomalee. The summit is occupied by a Vatadage containing the stupa in the centre. The stupa which was originally small had been enlarged in the 8th century AD. The Vatadage covers the stupa with a concentric circles of stone pillars similar to ...

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