Oldest Buddhist murals in the country in dilapidated state-Asela KURULUWANSA Buddha Sasana and Religious and Cultural Affairs Minister Vidura Wickramanayaka with Chief Incumbent of the temple Ven. Ambilmeegama Dhammakitthi Thera. Source:Dailynews The oldest murals in the country in the Hindagala Rajamaha Viharaya, which is more than 1,800 years old, are in a dilapidated state. These murals which depict the Buddha preaching the Dharma to the deities, are now beyond recognition, Ven. Ambilmeegama Dhammakitthi Thera, the Chief Incumbent of the temple said. The Thera said these paintings span over four ancient eras in the country. He also said that many of the murals in the Raja Maha Viharaya are currently on the brink of destruction. ...

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