Path to inner peace and happiness-by SAMANGIE WETTIMUNY Source:Sundayobserver Following are excerpts from an interview with reputed Theravada bhikkhu and renowned Meditation Guru Ven. Ajahn Suchart Abhijato Maha Thera of Thailand. Q: How would you describe the status of the mind of; i) a Sovan ii) a Sakkuddagami iii) an Anagami. Could you explain in detail what his/her capabilities and remaining defilements are? A: A Sotapanna has got rid of three defilements or fetters – the first fetter is the wrong view of seeing the body as himself or herself. A Sotapanna sees the body as a natural phenomenon – a work of nature made up of the Four Elements which is subjected to change – creating sickness and death. So having understood this phenomenon, a Sotapanna can let go of his/her attachments to the body and just has no fear over the body becoming old, becoming sick, or dying. A Sotapanna ...

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Break the cycle of revenge-BY SAMANGIE WETTIMUNY Source:Sundayobserver Following are excerpts from an interview with Theravada Bhikkhu and renowned meditation guru Ven. Ajahn Suchart Abhijato Maha Thera of Thailand. Q: Certain laymen claim to have reached higher mental levels such as Sovan, Sakkuddagami, Anagami, or Arahant. Will a person who has truly achieved such advanced mental levels make public announcements? A: Usually not. Because he/she is smart enough to know that it is safer for them just to keep quiet. So he/she will not say anything, He/she will just say how to practise and how to achieve it. There is no need to make self-announcements because someone who has achieved higher attainment is not hungry for fame anymore. If you are still hungry for fame, then this is your defilement. So usually an arahant tends to keep quiet. At this stage, he only speaks about the path, practice, and achievement without mentioning the ...

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