A clear blue sky – A SHORT STORY – by Capt. Elmo Jayawardena Source:Island The one unforgettable memory that Selva always carried within himself was the colour of the vast Jaffna sky, spotless and shimmering in brilliant blue. It appeared as if the Gods decided to spread a sheet and tucked it taut to the corners of the horizon as if to show-off how perfectly they could do things. Off and on there would be fluffy white clouds, being sheep-dogged by winds aloft, harmless cartoons scattered in the sky, men and dogs, trees and castles or whatever a child wanted to imagine them to be. The clouds were seldom grey and laden with rain. That’s how the dry climate came about to roast the soil where Selva’s family toiled under the merciless sun for generations to grow chilli on. The kochika as they called it, were the thin and ...

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