Vibrant Food Fest and Celebrations in Kandy, honouring the Noble Teacher – Lord Buddha. – By Dr Harold Gunatillake Website: Hello viewers, Today, on the 23rd of May, in the Theravada tradition, Gautama Buddha was born, enlightened, and died, referred to as Paranirvana. This day is also known as Wesak. It is a time when the vibrant streets of Kandy come alive, filled with the scent of incense and the sound of chants as the city celebrates the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Noble Teacher-Lord Buddha. With its rich cultural heritage, Kandy is where one of his relic teeth is venerated, making it a significant location for Buddhists. The Wesak festival is, unique to Kandy also features a Perahera, a grand procession with well-dressed elephants, Kandyan dances, and other items, parading through the streets of Kandy, further honouring the noble one.The streets are adorned with beautiful decorations, creating ...

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