The importance of Esala Poya; in conversation with the Viharadhikari of the Raja Maha Viharaya, Kurunegala-By Udumbara Udugama The small drip-ledge cave Source:Sundaytimes For Buddhists, Esala Full Moon Poya is as important as Vesak and Poson Poya. Prince Siddhartha Gautama renounced his lay life to live as an ascetic in search of what he said was, “the true meaning of life.” On that same day, Esala Poya, his son Prince Rahula, was born to Princess Yasodhara. After the Buddha’s Supreme Enlightenment, he preached the first Buddha Dhamma on an Esala Poya to the five ascetics with whom he lived before he went on his own. He visited the Tavatimsa Divyalokaya (Tavatimsa Heaven) to preach the Abhidhamma. The yamakamaha prathiharya (twin miracles) were performed to shatter the pride of his Sakyan kinsmen. On an Esala Poya, Buddha requested the bhikkhus to spend the vas season (rainy season) indoors and avoid travel. In Sri Lanka, many ...

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