Vale Olga Ramasamy – A Tribute – By Trevine Rodrigo Tribute:  The following is an abridged version of the eulogy given by Olga’s daughter Dhulani Muthu-Krishna  Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house (Matthew 5:15). A tribute to Olga Ramasamy (OAM) – Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, Aunty, a good friend to all and above all, an elegant Lady.  On 22nd April she was taken away from us to receive her well-earned rewards in heaven, but the lamp that she lit on earth and the example she set for others to follow, will live on forever in life and in our hearts. Just ‘Olga’ to many, many people and ‘Mum or Mummy’ to us, she was always an elegant lady who went about her business with quiet confidence and strength.  ...

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