Urban Forest Park in Colombo City – symmetrical manifestation By Arundathie Abeysinghe   Encompassing a network of verdant vistas with trees planted sporadically, water parks and a space to dine within magnificent greenery, Galle Face Urban Forest Park and the Beira Lake Open Air Restaurant is an urban oasis adorning the landscape of Colombo City that was declared open recently. As there are plants and trees intermittently in the Urban Forest Park with vistas of Beira Lake and the cool breeze, dining is within verdant vegetation. Spread within two acres in the heart of Colombo City, the Forest Park and the Open Air Restaurant is indeed a cynosure of all eyes. Situated in Scout Road which runs across Galle Face Road, along the Beira Lake, the Urban Forest Park is a symmetrical manifestation of trees and foliage. The corridor at the center of the Forest Park made of red beams ...

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