Benedict led two clubs to Clifford Cup glory-by Althaf Nawaz Anton Benedict Source:Dailynews Anton Benedict one of the great sports personalities who undoubtedly was one of the best players ever produced by St. Joseph’s College, Colombo brought honour and fame to his school, club and country. Anton was son of Thuraiappa Pathmanathan a small time businessman and mother Theresa Malar a former teacher. He has three sisters. His grandfather Joseph Manuel Pillai was his role model as he was very much influenced by him from his very early years to encourage Anton to take up sports specially soccer at the inception. . But the disciplines and attitudes of a ‘rough and tough’ game like rugby seemed more resolute and ‘inviting’ to a young Soccerite, Anton Benedict was as a sixteen-year school boy, at St. Joseph’s College, Colombo that his talents for Rugby was observed by Neville Perera, the SJC Rugby ...

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