THE FRIEND I NEVER MET – REMEMBERING DR. QUINTUS FERNANDO (1933-2020) – By Avishka Mario Senewiratne Source:-tillthemountainsdisappear Many knew him as ‘Fr. Quintus’ or ‘The 8th Rector of SJC’. Well, I knew this eminent, esteemed man simply as ‘Uncle Quintus’, who addressed me ‘my young friend’. Though Uncle Quintus walked on the face of earth for 86 years, he had lived a life with loads of unorthodox experiences! While being a priest for over twenty years, he was a teacher, a principal and for the last 40 years of his life he was a layman, professor, adventurer and author. Sadly, I came to know Uncle Quintus only towards the later stage of his life and I sincerely wish I had known him much longer. Nevertheless, something is better than nothing and I am eternally grateful just to have known him for this brief period.  Before getting to know him, I ...

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