How to VISUALIZE Achieving What You Want Linh Pod discussion with her life coach – Uma Panch How to VISUALIZE Achieving What You Want // Visualisation can change your life forever. Ten years ago when I first started visualising, I manifested so many things from a husband, a big house, luxury car and more. I want you to achieve what I’ve achieved with the art of visualisation. In today’s episode, you get to meet my own life coach who has helped me to improve my life even more for the past 5 years. She is an expert when it comes to visualisation and manifesting dreams. About Uma Panch  – Uma is a Transformational Mindset Coach, Corporate Trainer, Motivational Speaker, and Author. She is the founder of a social enterprise called iBeyondBliss. Uma is also a faculty in premium Australian Universities and is currently pursuing her PhD in Mindfulness. Uma has ...

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Holistic Goal-Setting Workshop at Swathi Women’s Inspiration Group – by Uma Panch   Swathi is a vibrant not-for-profit women’s inspirational group based in Sydney. Over the past 10 years, they have been focusing on inspiring, developing and empowering women to become strong, happy, and content individuals with a balance in their lives. They believe that “A happy woman creates a happy family which translates into a happy world.” Swathi Women’s Inspirational Group recently invited Uma Panch as a guest speaker to facilitate a Holistic Goal-Setting Workshop. Uma shared the best practices to align our goals with our core values, setting attainable goals, and developing a go-getter mindset for a successful and happy life. The engagement level was incredible, and the participants left positive and happy reviews about their experience. All participants received a Holistic Goal-Setting Worksheet and a highly insightful eBook – How To Keep Stress Level Down When Time Gets Tough. Three ...

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Respect across age, gender and cultures   Every human being and nation, irrespective of their power or strength, has the right to be respected. Respect is defined differently by different people and cultures. In our video we try to bring in as many individuals from different ages, genders and countries to get a better understanding of the word respect. This is very important to build emotional and cultural intelligence. Respect has many definitions: – Respect is an unassuming resounding force, the stuff that equity and justice are made of. – It means being treated with consideration and esteem and to be willing to treat people similarly. – It means to have a regard for other peoples’ feelings listening to people and hearing them, i.e. giving them one’s full attention. – Even more importantly, respect means treating one with dignity. ...

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My PhD Journey – by Uma Panch The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps — we must step up the stairs — Vance Havner Source:Uma Panch Medium Those who know me would have heard me talk nonstop about my aspirations to pursue a PhD since 2017. This aspiration was seeded in my mind when I was studying my I was studying for my Master of International Tourism and Hospitality Management at The Hotel School, Sydney. An environment that nurtured and nourished my passion and purpose. I am pleased to share that I thrived with four awards including the DUX Award for 6.7/7 GPA and the Entrepreneur Award for my positive contribution to society. This morning I decided to pause, review and reflect on my journey thus far. I think it’s time to take a moment to share a piece of great news, some challenges and wins over the past two years. I ...

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What if you could design life on your own terms?    Would you like to know how you can design your life with the right mindset?  Watch Num Tamil’s Talkshow Kathipoma, where the talented talk show host Sharthar interviews the multi-award-winning Life Coach Uma Panch from Sydney, Australia.   It was a brilliant interview and many in-demand topics were discussed including subconscious mind conditioning, reprogramming your mind, rewiring your brain, mindfulness, neuro-linguistic programming, laws of attraction, manifestations, visualisation, deep state repatterning, mindset coaching, life coaching, how to transform your life, how to find solutions to the problem, why you have problems, how to deal with COVID chaos, relationships, emotions and much more.  Learn what’s stopping you from having and how you can create your dream life and much more…. Don’t miss it!  Uma Panch sponsored a Self-Discovery Session valued at $250 for four participants. The prize winners are Manju Shri, Mohamed, Irsath Puvaneswaran Sivaguru, Tariq Thaha.  You see, you cannot do the same thing and expect a different result. This is your opportunity to do ...

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International Women’s Day Celebration at Swathi Women’s Inspiration Group    Swathi is a vibrant not-for-profit women’s inspirational group based in Sydney. Over the past 10 years, they have been focusing on inspiring, developing and empowering women to become strong, happy and content individuals with greater balance in their lives. They believe that “A happy woman creates a happy family which translates into a happy world.”  In commemorating International Women’s Day (IWD), each year Swathi organises a forum on a topic related to the theme of the IWD. This year they held a virtual forum on Sunday 11 April. Aligned to the IWD campaign theme #ChooseToChallenge, they focused on Self-Care. The goal of this year’s event was to drive home the importance, necessity, and benefits of self-care for women and challenge their members to find the motivation to embrace self-care. Some of the notable guests at the event were Uma Panch ...

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Uma Panch – A Pride To Sri Lanka   Uma Panch has been featured as one of “The Top 10 Female Business Coaches Empowering and Inspiring in 2021” which went live recently and has already been published in 50+ media outlets including Yahoo Finance, Digital Journal, MarketWatch! She is the first Sri Lankan lady to be featured in this category along with leading global coaches such as Marie Forleo. This is indeed a pride and pleasure for Sri Lanka and a well-deserved reward for Uma’s years of dedication and perseverance to coach people for a successful life.  We are happy to celebrate Uma’s great milestone achievement with the eLanka community. About Uma Panch Uma Panch is a Mindset Transformation Coach, Motivational Speaker and Corporate Trainer who helps emerging leaders and high-calibre professionals tap into their subconscious superpower, break their mental and emotional barriers and develop a resilient mindset for a happy, ...

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eLanka Newsletter – 13 Sept – 4th edition – Sri Lankans in Australia Click here or on the image below to read this week’s elanka Newsletter Sri Lankan Born Kerrigan, #1 on more than SIX Charts MESSAGE TO ALL LANKAN /AUSSIES – By Des Kelly A Life Hack for when we’re Burnt Out & Broken Down – By Uma Panch Australian Government: Department of Defence presents 600 books to the Commandant of the Sri Lankan National Defence College Kaleidoscope with Savithri Rodrigo King Asoka’s Veterinary Hospital – by Noel Nadesan Bahiravakanda Vihara Buddha Statue in Kandy – By Arundathie Abeysinghe Kidney disease a complication of Diabetes-by Harold Gunatillake 27-year-old Gauravdeep Singh Narang was on his way home after finishing his day’s work as a food delivery driver when he died in a tragic car crash in Melbourne last week -BY AVNEET ARORA Uvaisul Karnain excellent hockey player and cricketer-Althaf Nawaz ...

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A Life Hack for when we’re Burnt Out & Broken Down – By Uma Panch “Look past your thoughts so you may drink the pure nectar of this moment.” ~ Rumi Source:Elephant Journal We have all had our fair share of unexpected incidents, and I am no different. Yes, I am a motivational speaker, corporate trainer, and success coach, and many who know me say I am a “mindset alchemist” and strategist. But, as your fellow human being, I have been through some rough patches in life. FLOOFY BEDDING GIVEAWAY   Been there, done that! However, my approach to these curveballs is different than that of others. ...

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  READERS WELLNESS HUB UMA PANCH – The Mindset Alchemist Inside the Issue Meet the Mindset Alchemist! Hi, I’m Uma Panch and I’m a mindset alchemist. An alchemist is simply a person who transforms or creates something through a seemingly magical process. Well, I do it with the help of your mind. I help people to rewire their brain and transform their mindset and help them become the best versions of themselves. This, in turn, empowers them to lead their dream life, and find success, fulfilment and happiness. If you want to live your best life and truly make a difference, connect with me now.  CLICK HERE CHANGE IS CHALLENGING Do you know why Change is Challenging?   Change is challenging. We all know that. Humans are wired to resist change and we naturally are afraid of uncertainties and the unknown. But change is said to be the only constant ...

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