“TWO-GUN TRUMP” by Des Kelly  The “saying” has been “said” so many times now, I feel that I am repeating myself when I say it again, for all my eLanka readers, out there, for all Sri Lankans  “living” all around this Planet, at the moment. Thank your lucky stars and let us all say it, ONE MORE TIME.!. “Enough is Enough”      My view on this 2nd Amendment, as they call it, in America, has been etched in stone, never to be erased, no matter what.!  Their “Gun-Lobby”, has been growing stronger with every passing day. Most people in the U.S.A. feel “safer” with this weapon “stored” & locked away, for self-protection. This is clearly understandable. If I was an American Citizen, I would feel the same way. As I see it, if I had to protect my wife and/or family, & if someone, anyone, tried to break into ...

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