Wood Apple in Sri Lanka: A Hidden Gem of Tropical Fruits-by Kalani-eLanka Sri Lanka, a tropical paradise known for its rich biodiversity and unique agricultural products, is home to a variety of exotic fruits. Among these is the wood apple (Limonia acidissima), a lesser-known but highly valued fruit. This article delves into the cultural, nutritional, and economic significance of wood apple in Sri Lanka. Wood apple, also known as “divul” in Sinhala, is a hardy tree that thrives in the dry regions of Sri Lanka. The tree can reach up to 9 meters in height and is characterized by its rough, grayish-brown bark and thorny branches. The fruit itself is round, about the size of an apple, with a hard, woody shell that encases a sticky, brown pulp. The tree is typically grown in home gardens, small orchards, and is also found wild in rural areas. It requires minimal care, ...

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