Pioneering days of the Trinity College Chapel; 1920 and after. – By Ranil Bibile ( Epilogue to main article on the TCK Chapel by RB ) (with photographs from the TCK Library Archives)   From the seed of an inspiration to a monument built for eternity” Polonnaruwa: The inspiration from circa 1100 AD   Kandy; circa 1920 AD Putting pen to paper: the inspiration germinates into a plan The plan develops into general perspectives The finished belfry, completed in the 1980s, is similar to the one in the above rendering   Detailed renderings of the interior as envisaged by Rev. Gaster: This rendering envisages a ceiling and galleries with a pair of upper frescoes. These were not in the final ‘as built’ design. The rest were built as shown A forest of stone pillars, fifty-four in number, each sixteen feet high and two feet square “…to the sunset glow on ...

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