Eranga – prop forward par excellence-by Althaf Nawaz Source:Dailynews It is very rare to find a twin brother combination in sports and if there is one, it will be a unique alliance with some interesting history imbibed in it. Eranga Rusiru Swarnathilake was a ruggerite who fell into this category with his twin brother Suranga where both mingled in the rugby arena and represented the country after an eventful school and club career. Eranga better known as ‘Podi’ in the sporting circles was born in 1984 on the 8th of May in Katugastota and his father was the late Deshabandu D.H. Swarnathilake a businessman by profession and mother Hema was a housewife. ...

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Yakoob Ali an excellent hooker and prop forward-Upananda Jayasundera Mohammed Yakoob Ali with the Trophies he won. ( Picture by Upananda Jayasundera-Kandy Sports Spl.corr) Source:Dailynews Mohamed Yakoob Ali, an old boy of St.Anthony’s College, Katugastota started playing rugby when he was nine years old and learnt the basics of the game under the coaching of Mohammed Faizal. Yakoob Ali’s under 13 Coach was Nihal Gunaratne, Under 16 Coach was Tikiri Dissanayake and Under 18 Rugby Coach was Priyantha Gunaratne. His father, Ebrahim Mohammed Ali who captained the St.Anthony’s Rugby team in 1976, joined the Kandy SC under Jadi Dissanayake and two of his other team mates were Irwin Howie and Iswan Omar. Ebrahim Mohammed Ali played for Kandy SC as flanker and prop forward and in later years played for Sri Lanka. Mohamed Yakoob Ali’s coaches at the School Under 20 team were Theo Serafi, Athula Wijewickrema and Priyantha Gunaratne. ...

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