Stray thoughts of a man at age 78 plus – By N.S.Venkataraman Sometimes, I  feel unhappy about my parents  for giving birth to me  and  bringing me  into this world , which has  needlessly exposed me to the vagaries of the world.   The world   would  have lost nothing by myself not being born. In any case,  this  has happened without my consent !!!   Was I born   solely for my parents to meet their needs ? Of course, the parents  proudly introduced me to the world with sense of pride, satisfaction and achievement  with  everyone around  congratulating  my  parents and applauding the efforts. At this time, I must have been lying in the cradle unaware  of anything  going around and not aware about the feast that everyone would enjoy in my name My parents enabled me  to grow reasonably well , to the extent that they could do so ,  based ...

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