STRINGHOPPER LUNCH FUNDRAISER & FOOD FAIR SUNDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER-by Denis Anthonisz Source:Silver Fawn Club – September/October 2021 Newsletter High noon couldn’t arrive fast enough for nearly 90 eager purchasers of the delicious food on sale from our four talented vendors. However, after a couple of false starts, the race for the tasty morsels began and it is fair to say that everyone was a WINNER, the successful sales contributing handsomely to our Club’s coffers. However, it wasn’t all about the food. Well….? Silver Fawn IS about good food, good company and good times. And the stringhopper lunch didn’t disappoint. What a magnificent taste bud sensation Master Chefs Shirley, Gerard and Thomazine Fernando and Assistant Chef Fyri Fahir provided for us! The lunch of Stringhoppers, Kirihothi with potatoes and eggs, Beef Curry, Chicken Curry, Seeni Sambol and Coconut Sambol was enjoyed by all. Cream Caramel for dessert was another “hit”. All ...

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