{PeteriteNET:583} THE PETERITE RUGBY FIXTURES FOR 2024 (1ST ROUND)    –     – DATE CHANGES in respect of 2 Matches The St. Peter’s vs Kingwood Rugby match which was scheduled for 21st June (Poson Poya day) has been postponed by one day and will now be played on 22nd June (Saturday). The venue has also changed and the match is to be played at Nittawela not at Bogambara. However I’m also advised that there can be last minute changes in venue. The Peterite – Zahira Rugby match which was scheduled to be played on Saturday, 20th July (Essla Poya day), has been advanced to Friday, 19th July. The venue is not changed and will be played at the College grounds. Please take notice accordingly. Algi Wijewickrema On Sun, 12 May 2024 at 06:12, Algi Wijewickrema <algi.wijewickrema@gmail.com> wrote: CORRECTION Apologies – Please note that the Kingswood match is at Bogambara on the Poson poya day ...

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