Lore on Thaniwella Devalaya-by S.K. Tissera, Chilaw Group corr Source:Sundayobserver It has been a long-standing tradition in Sri Lanka that folk heroes who have rendered an exceptional service for the country or who have acted altruistically for the wellbeing and protection of the community are deified after their death. There are many examples for this type of posthumous deification of great characters in the country. When we travel about 68 km towards Chilaw from Colombo on the Colombo – Chilaw main road, we can see a devalaya (A shrine consecrated to a god) on the right hand side of the main road close to the Tinipitiya Lake in Madampe. It is not so difficult to recognise this holy place as there is a large white horse statue set up in front of the temple by the Kadupitiya Oya. Madampe has been referred to as Katupiti Madampe in the ancient chronicle ...

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