Tamba. A Meditation in the Art of Living “ There is only one pleasure, that of being alive ” Cesare Pavese (1908 – 1950) A flaming torch marks the entrance. The symbol of life, truth and the power of regeneration, it will be kept burning all the time. Parking the car and you enter your own private courtyard. A cloistered staircase opens out onto a terrace; looking out, you see first one courtyard and then another, then an ordered line of double pitched roofs. A covered walkway, alive with green leads you to your front door. You have arrived at Tamba Villas in Thalpe. Tamba showcases a very Sri Lankan way of life; a harmony of sight and sound, balancing nature and symmetry with the order of proportion. Although it is not on the beach, the sound of the sea is in your ears. As a concept it harks ...

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