News from London: Taylor Swift in Town – By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena Taylor Swift, the American megastar and the singing sensation, is currently on tour in the United Kingdom and understandably, her fans have gone wild – millions of them. Miss Swift’s fans, known as Swifties, are desperate to see her live and willing to pay exorbitant prices for front-row seats, just like fans, who crave the best view in boxing, pay for ringside seats. Judging by the unravelling phenomenon wherever she sets her foot in, ‘Swifties’ may well be in the Oxford Dictionary in due course as a noun, exactly the way ‘google’ took a spot – at first as a noun and then, a verb in that order; the exponential growth of the fanbase across the globe can only make it much quicker, if not swifter. In Edinburgh, she performed to packed audiences last week that was reported as earth-shattering; ...

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