Shrasthrapathi Suranji Shamali Hindi university lecturer already a legend in singing Hindi songs at summit of fame, a human being par excellence – By Sunil Thenabadu Shrasthrapathi Suranji Shamali Tennakoon is renowned as  a reputed vocalist particularly to sing Hindi songs to unprecedented tall summits ,a teacher for well over a decade, thereafter  a visiting lecturer in Hindi language for many years.She has authored about eight books all to educate the masses mostly students and university scholars   She reminisces that she had sung initially a song in public at her tender age of seven years to the backing of the popular Sunflowers musical group.She recalls that the leader Neil Warnakulasuriya had trained her so commence singing when he touched her back with his guitar particularly as she was incompetent  not familiar in singing on stage. Suranji Shamali has had several television confrontations in programs like SLRC’S ‘Leisure Time’ “Sihinayaki Re’ ...

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