“Stories in Song” Series 2019. “THE BAKER COMBO” – By Des Kelly  Yes, folks, memories are certainly made of this, or these, as the case may be. “The George Baker Selection” certainly made their “selection” of memorable songs, that I believe, are “aired” on “Gold F.M.” in Sri Lanka right now. Incidentally, I would now like to take the chance to thank this medium for playing some of my own songs also, 57 years after I left “My Lovely Island Home”, as I call her. Once again, memories, as far as I am concerned. The George Baker Selection were very popular with thousands of Sri Lankan Radio listeners of their era, & I was certainly one of them. They were an eclectic Dutch Rock/Pop band, founded by Dutchman George Baker (of course), a prolific Singer, Composer, (music & lyrics), guitarist, keyboard player, and all-round Entertainer.    The World today, is ...

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