Fire and Rescue NSW establishes crucial telecommunications for people of Eugowra – VIDEO | Eugowra Time and date of incident: 2.40pm on November 18 2022 Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has established a portable communications cell in the flood-ravaged town of Eugowra to provide telephone and internet access for devastated residents. When the flash flood struck the Central West township earlier this week, it also destroyed the local telecommunications infrastructure, preventing residents from contacting loved ones and vital government services for help. Following the flash flood, the State Emergency Service, responsible for the crisis response, contacted FRNSW, requesting the deployment of its ‘Cell on Wheels’ mobile satellite communications hub. The communications cell was last used in a major emergency to assist the community of Rappville, in the state’s north, during the 2019 bushfire disaster. A team of five FRNSW telecommunications specialists today has established the technology hub in Eugowra. The cell ...

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