2022 IN RETROSPECT – STARTLING EVENTS THAT TOOK THEIR TOLL- by Joe Van Langenberg The year 2022 has now been consumed by the sunset of remorseless time. And in its place, has emerged yet another year; hopefully one that will usher in the promise of a better future. But then, one knows not what the future holds, although we know who holds the future. The past twelve months was one, many if not all, would rather choose to chalk up to an experiment gone horrendously wrong. There was blood, sweat, tears and fears, not to mention brutality, killings, injustice, discrimination and wanton destruction. Given below, are some of the more important events that stood out conspicuously. Ukraine: The year kicked off with the illegal and unjustifiable invasion of the former Soviet Union’s republic Ukraine, on February 24.2022, on the say-so of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who decided to flex his ...

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