Sujith Silva is at Trinity College, Kandy Source:Sujith Silva FB Back after 30 years, at the Trinity College boarders’ Dinning Hall. I first stepped in here as a 17 year old in 1992 with St.Peter’s College Rugby squad as 2nd XV when the squad was hosted for lunch prior to the traditional encounter against Trinity College. Great experience in here, a formal lunch for both squads but at Nittawela, a tough outing for Peterites and lost badly, and my front tooth too  that’s Rugby. Today it’s about celebrating the spirit of Christmas, I’m here with the Quadrangle team as we are going Live from Trinity College Chapel with @trinitycollegechoir for the 02nd consecutive year and the #quadteam being hosted for a scrumptious lunch. Thank you Trinity, for awesome hospitality! The traditions and culture, class apart. Respice Finem #trinitians #peterites #traditions #schoollife #memories ...

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