St. Mary’s College Dehiwala 100 years BY TREVINE RODRIGO Tucked away just outside the limits of Colombo is St. Mary’s College Dehiwela a little school nestled behind St. Mary’s church on Galle Road that has produced some of the country’s most outstanding sportsmen, and a few academics as well. Although not regarded among the elite, the school commanded tremendous respect particularly on the sporting fields of Sri Lanka during the 1960’s and ‘70’s so much so that as its 100th year celebrations roll on, many people from all walks of life still reflect with awe and open admiration, some of those from St. Mary’s who represented their country with dignity. It somehow reflects on their early grounding and perhaps the lyrics of the school song which contain the words, “Our hearts and hands and lives we’ll give, for our dear land”. Boxing always comes foremost to mind when you talk ...

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