Portrait of a portraitist from the mists of time-By Yomal Senerath-Yapa Source:Sundaytimes A new film, ‘From Isle of Wight to Ceylon’ by Dr. Martin Pieris and Ismeth Raheem looks back at the years Julia Margaret Cameron, pioneering photographer of the 19th Century, spent in colonial Ceylon St. Mary’s Church in Bogawantalawa lies huddled against the upcountry mist, a cosy little retreat against the dark cold weather of the hills, with glowing stained glass. Here in its graveyard are the graves of many Britons who lived and worked for the empire, but the most resonant name of all would be Julia Margaret Cameron. A couple of small gravestones joined by a Celtic cross (given Julia’s love for Arthurian times) commemorate the best known portraitist of the 19th Century and her husband who loved Ceylon. ...

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